M Daftar Harga Laptop Asus Terbaru 2019 - Baca Disini

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Daftar Harga Laptop Asus Terbaru 2019

Daftar Harga Laptop Asus Terbaru - Berikut bacadisini.co.id informasikan mengenai Harga Laptop Asus tapi sebelum kami membahas Daftar Harga Laptop Asus kami akan berikan ulasan Sejarah Singkat. Yang mana Perusahaan ASUS sendiri merupakan perusahaan IT yang ternama. Perusahaan yang bermarkas di Taiwan ini  termasuk perusahaan yang produktif dalam mengeluarkan produknya. Setiap tahunnya perusahaan ini menelurkan produk-produk berkualitas baik itu motherboard, kartu grafis, laptop, PC Desktop, monitor LCD, dan lainnya. Kini perusahaan bernama lengkap Asustek Computer Inc. ini juga mulai giat untuk bermain di perangkat bergerak. Kehadiran  Asus Fonepad dan Tablet PC buatan Asus pun adalah bukti keseriusan perusahaan ini di ranah bisnis mobile.

Sejarah Singkat Dari Asus

Kisah Asus bermula pada tahun 1989, ketika empat insinyur komputer, yaitu Wayne Hsieh, Ted Hsu, MT Liao dan TH Tung berniat mendirikan perusahaan baru untuk memajukan industri TI di Negara Taiwan. Nama yang mereka pilih adalah “Pegasus” yang diambil dari sebutan untuk makhluk mitos asal Yunani. Pada perkembangannya, nama tersebut dipendekkan menjadi “Asus” agar bisa tampil di urutan awal sesuai alphabet.

Berbeda dengan sekarang, kala itu Asus yang berkantor di sebuah apartemen kecil di Taipei, Taiwan, bergerak di bidang konsultasi komputer dan tidak memproduksi hardware buatan sendiri seperti sekarang ini . Namun, setelah berhasil membuat dan menjual motherboard untuk prosesor Intel 486 pada akhir dekade 80-an, perusahaan ini mulai berkonsentrasi ke konstruksi hardware.

Dalam perjalanannya, perusahaan yang mulai “go public” pada tahun 2005 ini tumbuh semakin pesat . Motherboard Asus terpasang di 29,2% komputer desktop yang terjual sepanjang tahun 2009. Di tahun yang sama Asus membukukan pendapatan senilai USD21,2 miliar. Untuk mengefisiensikan kinerja perusahaan, pada tahun 2007 Asus membagi diri menjadi tiga perusahaan berbeda, yaitu Pegatron (berfokus pada produksi komponen PC dan perangkat OEM), Unihan (manufaktur perangkat non-PC), serta Asus sendiri yang berkonsentrasi penuh pada produksi notebook dan  sistem komputer utuh.

Jajaran Produk Sukses ASUS

Salah satu jajaran produk dari perusahaan ASUS yang sangat sukses di pasaran adalah motherboard. Jumlah motherboard yang pernah dijual oleh ASUS sangatlah besar. Meskipun tidak ada yang pasti, diperkirakan motherboard ASUS sudah terjual hingga  milyaran unit motherboard. Bahkan pada Januari 2004- 2005, ASUS menelurkan 40 juta motherboard. Tidak heran saat itu, banyak sekali komputer yang menggunakan  mohtherboard dari perusahaan ini. Perusahaan ASUS sendiri dianggap sebagai perusahaan pembuat motherboard terbesar selama 6 tahun berturut-turut oleh Tom's Hardware, situs teknologi ternama.

Tidak hanya motherboard, perusahaan ASUS pun cukup sukses dengan jajaran laptopnya. Baik laptop yang mengusung ukuran kecil hingga ukuran besar, laptop ASUS benar-benar berkualitas. Salah satu seri tersuksesnya adalah Eee PC netbook yang keluar pada tahun 2008. Produk ini dianggap sebagai salah  terbaik  saat itu versi FORBES.  Selain mendapatkan penghargaan, notebook ASUS dikenal memiliki durabilitas yang sangat baik. Bahkan laptop ASUS tergolong tangguh. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan pengujian notebook ASUS di luar angkasa selama 600 hari tanpa kerusakan. Selain itu notebook ASUS pun pernah dibawa ke puncak gunung tertinggi, Mount Everest. Hal ini membuat notebook sebagai noterbook pertama yang mencapai Mount Everest

Daftar Harga Laptop Asus Terbaru

Daftar Harga Laptop Asus Terbaru

Type dan Spek Harga
Asus A405UR-BV025DRp 6,200,000
Intel Core i3-7100U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 14″ HD, nVidia GeForce GT930MX 2GB, DOS
Asus A405UR-BV025TRp 6,550,000
Intel Core i3-7100U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 14″ HD, nVidia GeForce GT930MX 2GB, Win 10
Asus X441UA-WX095DRp 5,060,000
Intel Core i3 6006U, 14″ HD, 4GB DDR4, 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, DVDRW, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, DOS
Asus X441UA-WX096D/WX097D/WX098D/WX099DRp 5,090,000
Intel Core i3 6006U, 14″ HD, 4GB DDR4, 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, DVDRW, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, DOS
Asus X441UA-WX095TRp 5,375,000
Intel Core i3 6006U, 14″ HD, 4GB DDR4, 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, DVDRW, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, Win 10
Asus X441UA-WX096T/WX097T/WX098T/WX099TRp 5,300,000
Intel Core i3 6006U, 14″ HD, 4GB DDR4, 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, DVDRW, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, Win 10
Asus X441UA-WX321T/WX322T/WX323T/WX324T/WX325TRp 5,300,000
Intel Core i3-6006U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, Intel HD Graphics, 14″ HD, Win 10 Home
Asus X441UA-WX330T/WX354TRp 5,400,000
Intel Core i3-6100U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 14″ HD, Intel HD Graphics, DVDRW, Win 10
Asus X441UA-GA347T/GA348TRp 5,590,000
Intel Core i3-7100U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, Intel HD Graphics, 14″ HD, Win 10 Home
Asus X441UV-WX091DRp 5,500,000
Intel Core i3 6006U, 14″ HD, 4GB DDR4, 500GB, DVDRW, nVidia Geforce GT920M 2GB, Camera, Wifi, DOS
Asus X441UV-WX092D/WX093D/WX094D/WX095DRp 5,600,000
Intel Core i3 6006U, 14″ HD, 4GB DDR4, 500GB, DVDRW, nVidia Geforce GT920M 2GB, Camera, Wifi, DOS
Asus X441UV-WX091TRp 5,700,000
Intel Core i3 6006U, 14″ HD, 4GB DDR4, 500GB, DVDRW, nVidia Geforce GT920M 2GB, Camera, Wifi, Win 10
Asus X441UV-WX092T/WX093T/WX094T/WX095TRp 5,725,000
Intel Core i3 6006U, 14″ HD, 4GB DDR4, 500GB, DVDRW, nVidia Geforce GT920M 2GB, Camera, Wifi, Win 10
Asus X441UV-WX259TRp 5,900,000
Intel Core i3-6006U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, nVidia GeForce GT920MX 2GB, 14″ HD, DVDRW, Win 10
Asus X441UV-WX273T/WX274T/WX275T/WX276TRp 5,900,000
Intel Core i3-6006U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, nVidia GeForce GT920MX 2GB, 14″ HD, DVDRW, Win 10
Asus X441UV-WX280T/WX283TRp 5,875,000
Intel Core i3-6100U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 14″ HD, nVidia GeForce GT920MX 2GB, DVDRW, Win 10
Asus X441UV-GA240T/GA241TRp 5,965,000
Intel Core i3 7100, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″ HD LED, nVidia GeForce 920MX 2GB DDR5, DVDRW, Win 10
Asus X541UV-GO1351D/GO1352DRp 5,899,000
Intel Core i3 6006U, 15.6″ HD, 4GB DDR4, 1TB, DVDRW, nVidia Geforce GT920 2GB, Camera, Wifi, DOS
Asus X541UV-GO1351T/GO1352TRp 6,040,000
Intel Core i3-6006U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 15.6″ HD, nVidia GeForce GT920MX 2GB, DVDRW, Win 10
Asus X541UA-GO1383T/GO1313TRp 5,350,000
Intel Core i3 6006U, 15.6″ HD, 4GB DDR4, 1TB, DVDRW, Intel HD Graphic, Camera, Wifi, Win 10
Asus VivoBook Flip TP410UA-EC301TRp 6,950,000
Intel Core i3-7100U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic 620, Camera, 14.0″ FHD Touchscreen, Wifi, Bluetooth, Windows 10
Asus VivoBook Flip TP410UR-EC301TRp 7,400,000
Intel Core i3-7100U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 500GB, nVidia Geforce GT930MX 2GB, Camera, 14.0″ FHD Touchscreen, Wifi, Bluetooth, Windows 10
AsusPro P2430UJ-WO0063DRp 7,150,000
Intel Core i3-6100U, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, nVidia GeForce GT920, DVDRW, Screen 14″ HD, DOS
Asus Vivobook A405UQ-BV267DRp 7,849,000
Intel Core i5 7200, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, nVidia Geforce GTX940M 2GB, 14 HD", BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, DOS
Asus Vivobook A405UQ-BV306T/BV307TRp 9,099,000
Intel Core i5-7200U, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + SSD 128GB, 14.0″ HD, nVidia GeForce GT940MX 2GB, Win 10
Asus Vivobook S510UQ-BQ439D/BQ557DRp 9,050,000
Intel Core i5 7200U, RAM 4GB DDR4, 1TB HDD + SSD 128GB, nVidia Geforce GT940MX 2GB, Camera, 15.6″ FHD, Endless OS
Asus Vivobook S410UN-EB067T/EB068TRp 11,249,000
Intel Core i5-8250U, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, SSD 128G SATA3, nVidia GeForce MX150 with 4GB VRAM, No DVDRW, 14.0″ FHD Slim Bezel, Windows 10
Asus K401UQ-FA090DRp 7,800,000
Intel Core i5-7200U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 750GB, nVidia Geforce GT940MX 2GB, Screen 14″ FHD, DOS
Asus K401UQ-FA120DRp 7,900,000
Intel Core i5-7200U, 14″ FHD, 4GB DDR4, 1TB, nVidia Geforce GT940MX 2GB, Camera, Wifi, DOS
Asus A556UQ-DM868D/DM869DRp 7,950,000
Intel Core i5 7200U, 15.6″ FHD, 8GB DDR4, 1TB, DVD/RW, nVidia Geforce GT940MX 2GB, Camera, Wifi, Dos
Asus X550VQ-XX016DRp 8,799,000
Intel Core i5 6300HQ, 15.6″ HD, 4GB DDR4, 1TB, DVD/RW, nVidia Geforce GT940MX 2GB, Camera, Wifi, Dos
Asus A442UR-GA016D/GA017D/GA018D/GA019DRp 7,100,000
Intel Core i5 7200, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, DVDRW, nVidia Geforce GT930MX 2GB, Screen 14″ Wide Crystal LED, DOS
Asus A442UR-GA016T/GA017T/GA018T/GA019TRp 7,450,000
Intel Core i5-7200U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 14.0″ HD, nVidia GeForce GT930MX 2GB, DVDRW, Win 10
Asus A442UR-GA041T/GA042T/GA043T/GA044TRp 7,399,000
Intel Core i5-8250U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 14.0″ HD, nVidia GeForce GT930MX 2GB, DVDRW, Win 10
Asus A442UQ-FA047T/FA048TRp 8,599,000
Intel Core i5-8250U, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 14.0″ FHD, nVidia GeForce GT940MX 2GB, DVDRW, Win 10
Asus A442UF-FA020T/FA021TRp 8,448,000
Intel Core i5-8250U, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, nVidia Geforce MX130 2GB, 14″, DVDRW, Win 10
Asus A456UR-GA090D/GA092DRp 7,140,000
Intel Core i5 7200, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, DVDRW, nVidia Geforce GT930MX 2GB, Screen 14″ Wide Crystal LED, DOS
Asus A456UR-GA091D/GA092D/GA093D/GA094DRp 7,200,000
Intel Core i5 7200, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, DVDRW, nVidia Geforce GT930MX 2GB, Screen 14″ Wide Crystal LED, DOS
Asus A456UQ-FA074D/FA072DRp 8,000,000
Intel Core i5-7200U, 8GB DDR4, 1TB, nVidia Geforce GT940MX-2GB, 14″, DVDRW, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, USB3, Card Reader, DOS
Asus GL503VD-FY380TRp 16,999,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, HDD 1TB+128GB SSD, nVidia Geforce GTX1050 4G DDR5, No DVD, Screen 15.6″ LED FHD, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX330UA-FC177TRp 13,300,000
Intel Core i5 7200U, RAM 8GB, SSD 256GB, Intel HD Graphic, Camera, 13.3″, USB 3.0, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, Windows 10
Asus Zenbook UX360UAK-C4268TRp 13,300,000
Intel Core i5-7200U, RAM 8GB, SSD 512GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, Camera, 13.3″ FHD Touch, USB 3.0, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX360UAK-C4269TRp 13,550,000
Intel Core i5-7200U, RAM 8GB, SSD 512GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, Camera, 13.3″ FHD Touch, USB 3.0, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX360UAK-C4274TRp 13,300,000
Intel Core i5-7200U, RAM 8GB, SSD 512GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, Camera, 13.3″ FHD Touch, USB 3.0, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX390UA-GS032TRp 16,200,000
Intel Core i5-7200U, RAM 8GB, SSD M.2 256GB, Intel HD Graphics 620, Camera, 12.5″ FHD Touch, USB 3.0, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX390UA-GS042TRp 16,200,000
Intel Core i5-7200U, RAM 8GB, SSD M.2 256GB, Intel HD Graphics 620, Camera, 12.5″ FHD Touch, USB 3.0, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX390UA-GS077TRp 16,200,000
Intel Core i5-7200U, RAM 8GB, SSD M.2 256GB, Intel HD Graphics 620, Camera, 12.5″ FHD Touch, USB 3.0, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, Win 10
Asus VivoBook Flip TP410UA-EC501TRp 9,150,000
Intel Core i5-7200U, 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, Intel HD Graphic 620, Camera, 14.0″ FHD Touchscreen, Wifi, Bluetooth, Windows 10
Asus VivoBook Flip TP410UR-EC501TRp 9,999,000
Intel Core i5-7200U, 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, nVidia Geforce GT930MX 2GB, Camera, 14.0″ FHD Touchscreen, Wifi, Bluetooth, Windows 10
AsusPro B8430UA-FA0324E/FA0324RRp 18,950,000
Intel Core i5-6200U, RAM 8GB, SSD M.2 256GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, No DVDRW, Screen 14″ FHD, Win 10 Pro
AsusPro B8230UA-GH0012E/GH0012RRp 18,050,000
Intel Core i5-6200U, RAM 4GB, SSD M.2 256GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, No DVDRW, Screen 12.5″ FHD, Win 10 Pro
AsusPro P2430UJ-WO0062DRp 8,600,000
Intel Core i5-6200U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, nVidia GeForce GT920, DVDRW, Screen 14″ HD, DOS
Asus Vivobook S410UF-EB023TRp 13,299,000
Intel Core i7 8550U, RAM 8GB, SSD M.2 128GB, HDD 1TB, 14″ FHD, nVidia Geforce MX130 2GB, Win 10
Asus Vivobook Pro N580VD-FY001DRp 14,450,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + 128GB SSD, nVidia Geforce GTX 1050 4G DDR5, 15.6″ FHD, DOS
Asus Vivobook Pro N580VD-FY001TRp 15,100,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + 128GB SSD, nVidia Geforce GTX 1050 4G DDR5, 15.6″ FHD, Win 10
Asus A442UR-GA030D/GA031DRp 8,950,000
Intel Core i7 7500U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 14″, nVidia Geforce 930MX 2GB DDR3, DVDRW, Endless OS
Asus A442UR-GA030T/GA031TRp 9,360,000
Intel Core i7 7500U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 14″, nVidia Geforce 930MX 2GB DDR3, DVDRW, Win 10
Asus A442UQ-FA019D/FA020DRp 9,900,000
Intel Core i7-7500U, 8GB DDR4, 1TB, nVidia Geforce GT940MX-2GB, 14″, DVDRW, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, USB3, Card Reader, DOS
Asus A442UQ-FA019T/FA020TRp 9,815,000
Intel Core i7-7500U, 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 14″, DVDRW, nVidia Geforce GT940MX 2GB, Win 10
Asus A442UF-FA022T/FA023TRp 9,905,000
Intel Core i7-8550U, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, nVidia Geforce MX130 2GB, 14″, DVDRW, Win 10
Asus A456UQ-FA073D/FA075DRp 9,849,000
Intel Core i7-7500U, 8GB DDR4, 1TB, nVidia Geforce GT940MX-2GB, 14″, DVDRW, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, USB3, Card Reader, DOS
Asus X550VX-DM701DRp 10,599,000
Intel Core i7 7700HQ, 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, DVDRW, nVidia Geforce GTX950 2GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, 15.6″, DOS
Asus FX503VD-E4310TRp 11,249,000
Intel Core i5 7300HQ, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD Hybrid 1TB + 8GB, 15.6″ FHD, nVidia GeForce GTX 1050 4GB GDDR5 4GB, Win 10 Home
Asus FX503VD-E4253TRp 13,600,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + 8GB Hybrid, nVidia Geforce GTX 1050 4G DDR5, No DVD, 15.6″ FHD, Win 10
Asus FX553VD-DM001DRp 11,400,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, nVidia Geforce GTX 1050 2G DDR5, DVD Writer, Screen 15.6″ Wide Crystal LED HD, DOS
Asus FX502VM-DM613TRp 19,300,000
Intel Core i7 7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, 128GB SSD + HDD 1TB, nVidia Geforce GTX1060M 3GB, 15.6″ FHD, Windows 10
Asus GL503VD-FY285TRp 14,599,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + 8G Hybrid HDD, nVidia GeForce GTX1050 4G DDR5, No DVDRW, 15.6″ FHD Anti Glare, Windows 10
Asus GL503VD-GZ294TRp 15,949,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB+128GB SSD, nVidia Geforce GTX1050 4G DDR5, No DVD, Screen 15.6″ LED FHD, Win 10
Asus GL503VD-FY387TRp 16,099,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + SSD 128GB, nVidia Geforce GTX1050 4G DDR5, No DVD, Screen 15.6″ LED FHD, Win 10
Asus GL503VD-ED295TRp 18,399,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, HDD 1TB+128GB SSD, nVidia Geforce GTX1050 4G DDR5, No DVD, Screen 15.6″ LED FHD, Win 10
Asus GL553VE-FY404TRp 14,999,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, nVidia GeForce GTX1050Ti 4G DDR5, DVDRW, 15.6″ FHD Anti Glare, Windows 10
Asus GL553VE-FY280TRp 16,139,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, nVidia Geforce GTX 1050Ti 4G DDR5, DVDRW, 15.6″ FHD Anti Glare, Win 10
Asus GL553VE-FY117TRp 18,699,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, HDD 1TB+256GB SSD, nVidia Geforce GTX1050Ti 4G DDR5, DVD Writer, Screen 15.6″ Wide Crystal LED HD, Win 10
Asus GL553VD-FY380TRp 16,450,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, HDD 1TB+128GB SSD, nVidia Geforce GTX1050 4G DDR5, DVD Writer, Screen 15.6″ Wide Crystal LED HD, Win 10
Asus GL553VD-FY280TRp 14,600,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, nVidia Geforce GTX 1050 4G DDR5, DVD Writer, Screen 15.6″ Wide Crystal LED HD, Win 10
Asus GL502VM-FY126TRp 24,950,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + SSD 256GB, nVidia Geforce GTX1060 6G DDR5, Bluetooth, Camera, 15.6″ FHD, Win 10
Asus GL502VM-BM113TRp 19,499,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + 128GB SSD, nVidia Geforce GTX 1060 3GB, 15.3″ FHD, Win 10
Asus GL502VM-HM126TRp 26,999,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + SSD 256GB, nVidia Geforce GTX1060 6G DDR5, Bluetooth, Camera, 15.6″ FHD, Win 10
Asus GL503VM-FY816TRp 19,999,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + 8G Hybrid, SSD 128G SATA, nVidia GeForce GTX1060 6G DDR5 + G-SYNC, No DVDRW, 15.6″ FHD Anti Glare, Windows 10
Asus GL503VM-GZ294TRp 24,999,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + 8G Hybrid, SSD 256G PCIE, nVidia GeForce GTX1060 6G DDR5+G-SYNC, No DVDRW, 15.6″ FHD 120Hz, Windows 10
Asus GL503VM-ED287TRp 28,699,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + 8G Hybrid, SSD 256G PCIE, nVidia GeForce GTX1060 6G DDR5+G-SYNC, No DVDRW, 15.6″ FHD 120Hz, Windows 10
Asus GL503VS-HM328TRp 36,299,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 32GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + 8G Hybrid, SSD 256G, nVidia GeForce GTX1070 8G DDR5+G-SYNC, No DVDRW, 15.6″ FHD, Windows 10
Asus GL502VS-BA328TRp 34,200,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 32GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + 256GB SSD, nVidia Geforce GTX 1070 8GB, 15.6″ FHD, Win 10
Asus GX501VI-GZ001TRp 49,499,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 24GB DDR4, SSD 512GB, nVidia Geforce GTX 1080 8GB, 15.6″ FHD, Win 10
Asus GL702VM-GC126TRp 26,100,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + SSD 256GB, nVidia Geforce GTX1060 6GB DDR5, No DVD RW, Screen 17.3″ LED Full HD, Windows 10
Asus GL702VM-HM126TRp 29,499,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + 256GB SSD, nVidia Geforce GTX 1060 6GB, 17.3″ FHD, Win 10
Asus GL703VM-HM126TRp 32,999,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + 8G Hybrid HDD, SSD 256G PCIe, nVidia GeForce GTX1060 6G DDR5+G-SYNC, No DVDRW, 17.3″ FHD 120Hz, Windows 10
Asus GL702ZC-GC824TRp 22,549,000
AMD Ryzen 7 1700, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB+256GB SSD, AMD Radeon RX580 4GB, No DVD, Screen 17.3″ LED FHD, Win 10
Asus G752VS(KBL)-BA302TRp 37,999,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 32GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, SSD 256GB PCIE 3×4, nVidia GeForce GTX1070 8G DDR5+G-SYNC, DVDRW, 17.3″ FHD 120Hz, Windows 10
Asus G752VS(KBL)-BA358TRp 44,899,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 32GB DDR4, HDD 1TB + 256GB SSD, nVidia Geforce GTX 1070 8GB, 17.3″ FHD, Win 10 Iron Man
Asus GL753VE-GC050TRp 19,999,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, 256GB SSD + 2TB HDD, nVidia Geforce GTX 1050Ti 4GB GDDR5, DVD RW, Screen 17.3″ Wide LED Full HD, Windows 10
Asus G701VIK-GB065TRp 63,999,000
Intel Core i7-7820HK, RAM 64GB DDR4, SSD 2x512GB, nVidia Geforce GTX 1080 8GB, 17.3″, Win 10 Iron Man
Asus GX800VH-GY005TRp 95,299,000
Intel Core i7-7820HK, 64GB DDR4, SSD 512GB x3, nVidia Geforce GTX1080 SLI 16GB, 18.4″ UHD, Wifi, Camera, Windows 10
Asus GX800VH(KBL)-GY005TRp 95,299,000
Intel Core i7 7820HK, RAM 64GB DDR4, SSD 3×512, nVidia Geforce GTX 1080M 16GB, 18.4″ UHD, Mouse Suitcase, Win 10 Iron Man
Asus Zenbook UX360UAK-DQ239TRp 17,050,000
Intel Core i7-7500U, RAM 16GB, SSD 512GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, Camera, 13.3″ QHD Touch, USB 3.0, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX360UAK-DQ250TRp 17,500,000
Intel Core i7-7500U, RAM 16GB, SSD 512GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, Camera, 13.3″ QHD Touch, USB 3.0, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX360UAK-DQ276TRp 17,500,000
Intel Core i7-7500U, RAM 16GB, SSD 512GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, Camera, 13.3″ QHD Touch, USB 3.0, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX370UA-BO701T/BO702TRp 23,350,000
Intel Core i7 7500U, RAM 16GB, SSD 512GB, Intel HD Graphics, 13.3″ Touch FHD, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX390UA-GS036TRp 22,750,000
Intel Core i7-7500U, RAM 16GB, SSD M.2 512GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, Camera, 12.5″ FHD, USB 3.0, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX390UA-GS048TRp 22,750,000
Intel Core i7-7500U, RAM 16GB, SSD M.2 512GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, Camera, 12.5″ FHD, USB 3.0, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX390UA-GS053TRp 22,750,000
Intel Core i7-7500U, RAM 16GB, SSD M.2 512GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, Camera, 12.5″ FHD, USB 3.0, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX410UQ-GV090T/GV091TRp 14,490,000
Intel Core i7 7500U, RAM 8GB DDR4, 1TB HDD + SSD 128GB, nVidia Geforce GT940MX-2GB, Camera, 14″ FHD, Windows 10
Asus Zenbook UX430UQ-GV001T/GV002T/GV003T/GV004TRp 17,000,000
Intel Core i7-7500U, RAM 16GB DDR4, SSD 512GB SATA, Nvidia Geforce GT940MX 2GB, 14″ FHD, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX430UN-GV001T/GV003TRp 16,999,000
Intel Core i7-8550U, RAM 16GB DDR4, SSD 512GB SATA, nVidia Geforce MX150 2GB, 14″ FHD, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX461UN-BO702T/BO703TRp 17,399,000
Intel Core i7 8550U, RAM 16GB, SSD 512GB, 14″ Touch IPS FHD, nVidia Geforce MX150 2GB, Win 10
Asus Zenbook Pro UX550VD-BO701TRp 24,999,000
Intel Core i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB DDR4, SSD 512GB M.2, Nvidia Geforce GTX1050 4G DDR5, 15.6″ FHD, Win 10
Asus Zenbook UX490UAR-BE110T/BE111TRp 24,999,000
Intel Core i7-8550U, RAM 16GB, PCIEG3x4 NVME 512G M.2 SSD, Intel HD Graphics, 14″ FHD, Win 10
Asus Transformer Flip TP410UR-EC701TRp 13,499,000
Intel Core i7-7500U, 8GB DDR4, SSD 128GB + HDD 1TB, nVidia Geforce GT930MX 2GB, Camera, 14.0″ FHD Touchscreen, Wifi, Bluetooth, Windows 10
AsusPro P2440-FQ0116DRp 9,600,000
Intel Core i7-7500, RAM 8GB, HDD 1TB, nVidia Geforce GT940MX 2GB, DVDRW, Screen 14″, Dos
AsusPro B8430UA-FA0323E/FA0323RRp 20,250,000
Intel Core i7-6500U, RAM 8GB, SSD M.2 256GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, No DVDRW, Screen 14″ FHD, Win 10 Pro
AsusPro B8230UA-GH0011E/GH0011RRp 19,550,000
Intel Core i7-6500U, RAM 4GB, SSD M.2 256GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, No DVDRW, Screen 12.5″ FHD, Win 10 Pro
AsusPro P2430UJ-WO186RRp 12,350,000
Intel Core i7-6500U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, nVidia GeForce GT920, DVDRW, Screen 14″ HD, Windows 10 Pro

Demikianlah informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan mengenai Harga Laptop Asus  Terbaru. Semoga bermanfaat dan menjadi referensi bagi sahabat semua yang berencana akan membelinya. Namun harga di atas akan ada sedikit perbedaan di mana setiap wilayah mempunyai harga pasaran yang berbeda beda. Maka dari itu kami memohon maaf bila harga di atas tidak sesuai dengan harga di pasaraan.
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